The Effects of High-intensity Exercise and Fish Oil-induced Oxidative Stress



  • Chen Yi YAU (姚承義) National Central University, TAIWAN (台灣國立中央大學)
  • Shu Chen SHEN (沈淑貞) National Central University, TAIWAN (台灣國立中央大學)
  • Sandy HSIEH (謝伸裕) National Taiwan Normal University, TAIWAN (台灣國立台灣師範大學)



High-intensity exercise, Fish oil, 魚油, 氧化性傷害, Oxidative stress, 激烈運動


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.

High-intensity exercise may induce active oxygen free radicals higher. Fish oil, which is one of the CO-3 PUFA series that can decrease TG and influence plasma lipids, appears to prevent arteriosclerosis and CHD, but some evidence describe it increases the lipid peroxidation in the cell. Fish oil would then seem to influence the antioxidant defense system that causes damage or disease. This study investigates the effects on the antioxidant defence system of combining high-intensity exercise with fish oil supplementation. Methods: Thirty-three healthy males were randomly assigned into four groups (20.3±1.4 yrs; 64.3±7.9 kg), which were given set combinations of dietary fish oil (9 g per day), exercise (intensity 85-90 % HRmax reserve), and placebos. The experiment lasted 4 weeks in total. Venous samples were obtained prior to exercise and within 5 min after. 4 venous samples were also taken from fish oil groups during the four-week period. Blood from all groups was analyzed for sesuperoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), total glutathione (T-GSH), total antioxidant ability (TAA), malodialdehyde (MDA). A Generalized Estimating Equations (G.E.E.) method was used for data analysis. Results: In the fish oil groups SOD activity significantly increased 11.27 kU/g-HB(P<.05) and decrease in GSH-Px levels, which did not appear in the exercise groups. However, the statistical evidence is not sufficient to draw solid conclusions in this area. Following exercise in the fish oil group, t-GSH increased significantly (36.61Ug/ml [34.2%] [P<.05]). MDA increased significantly after exercise in both exercise-alone and exercise/fish oil groups (+0.12 and +0.27 mmole/ml [P<.05] respectively). Conclusions: exercise and fish oil separately causes an increase in oxidative stress, and this increase is greater 35.5% when they are combined.

運動與魚油對生理具有相當的影響,特別是降低TG及LDL-血脂質的部份,於學界及臨床上已具共識,但魚油富含多元不飽和脂肪酸的特性及高強度運動容易造成細胞蒙受氧自由基攻撃,可能導致氧化壓力昇高。本研究主要目的:探討服用魚油與單次激烈運動形成之氧化壓力的差異,特別是兩者是否具有加成性的關係存在,俾使運動與魚油皆能充分發揮對健康的效益。研究以33位未曾接受過運動訓練之健康男性,依平衡次序分為4組:運動組、魚油組、運魚組及控制組。研究者操控運動、魚油,分別以單純或同時介入之條件;運動者得接受2次近乎衰竭的間歇運動評估;魚油組每日服用魚油9公克並持續四週。運動前後均抽血檢驗:包含TAA (total antioxidant ability)、SOD (superoxide dismutase)、t-GSH (total glutathione)、GSH-Px (glutathione peroxidase)、MDA(malondialdehyde) 等濃度或活性。所得資料採用廣義估計方程式(generalized estimating equations, G.E.E.)分析各依變項間之差異顯著性。結果發現: 四週實驗前後,四組受試者身體型態及組成沒有明顯差異。因分析顯示運動、魚油不存在交互作用,故影響效應具有加成性。抗氧化酵素方面:魚油組SOD活性較未服明顯多11.27 kU/g-HB (P<.05),足見魚油對SOD有顯著影響。運動、魚油兩者對TAA、GSH-Px均不具影響力。抗氧化物質:魚油組與運魚組之t-GSH分別明顯多及36.61(34.2%)及37.03Ug/ml (P<.05)。除單純運動或魚油分別造成MDA明顯增加0.12及0.27 nmol/ml (P<.05)外,運魚組之MDA加成均明顯增加(P<.05)達35.5%。結論:單純一次衰竭性激烈運動及單純服用魚油四週後,造成相當程度的氧化壓力,致脂質過氧化壓力明顯昇高;若兩者同時介入且具加成性,即傷害加劇。


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How to Cite

YAU, C. Y., SHEN, S. C., & HSIEH, S. (2003). The Effects of High-intensity Exercise and Fish Oil-induced Oxidative Stress: 運動與魚油引發氧化壓力的探討. Asian Journal of Physical Education &Amp; Recreation, 9(2), 89–96.


