A Study on the Body-Building Values of Daoyin Illustration in Light of Neurophysiology



  • Ruixin HUANG Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, CHINA (中國上海體育學院)
  • Jie ZHUANG Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, CHINA (中國上海體育學院)
  • Qichen HU Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, CHINA (中國上海體育學院)
  • Xianxaing SOONG Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE (新加坡南洋理工大學)




LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English; abstract also in Chinese.

Daoyin Illustration, with 44 Daoyin postures unearthed from the Western Han Dynasty Tomb III at Mawangdui in Hunan Province, China, is the earliest body-building Illustration found by Chinese archaeologists. Other ancient Chinese sports of DaoyinShu, such as Wuqinxi, Baduanjin, Yijinjing and Taijiquan, were the results of evolution and development of Daoyin Illustration according to their dates of appearance and movements. The people in ancient times practised them, combining the movements of body and limbs with breathing and therapeutic treatment with keeping fit and motion with tranquility in order to keep the harmony between Yin and Yan. From the viewpoint of neurophysiology, the central nervous system (CNS) receives the inputs from all of the organs and tissues, which bring the information of changes in the external and internal environments. The information from contractions and stretches of muscles and tendons inputted by thicker afferent fibers can inhibit and adjust the activities of internal organs controlled by thinner nervous fibers. All inputs interact with the changes in external and internal environments and be in harmony with them. This is the process of the central integration. The value of Daoyin Illustration in building up health is to maintain the internal homeostasis through moderate movements of the body and limbs to affect the activities of the internal organs.



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How to Cite

HUANG, R., ZHUANG, J., HU, Q., & SOONG, X. (1999). A Study on the Body-Building Values of Daoyin Illustration in Light of Neurophysiology: 從神經生理學觀點探析馬王堆漢墓&lt;導引圖&gt;的健身價值. Asian Journal of Physical Education &Amp; Recreation, 5(1), 16–21. https://doi.org/10.24112/ajper.51216


