Connection of the New Education Reform and the 2002 Physical Education Immersion Program (Jiangsu - China) of The Hong Kong Institute of Education: Reflections and Suggestions

教育改革新理念: 沉浸課程與香港中、小學體育師資培訓的反思和建議-香港教育學院體育沉浸課程(中國-江蘇)2002


  • Ming Kai CHIN (錢銘佳) Hong Kong Institute of Education, HONG KONG (香港敎育學院)



LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.

Primary and secondary physical education teachers play an important role in the education reform, which emphasizes on the holistic development and life-long learning. The 2002 Physical Education Immersion Program (Jiangsu-China), organized by The Hong Kong Institute of Education, provided an opportunity for physical education students to improve their teaching and sports skills through interaction with staff and students from Inland China. This paper describes the objectives, contents, and assessments of the outcomes of the program. By examining and comparing the current curriculum structures and teaching strategies in physical education between Hong Kong and Inland China through this experience, the author looks forward to the change of the future of physical education in Hong Kong with reflections and suggestions. The aim of these changes is to improve the physical education curriculum and teaching strategies in order to better meet the needs of the current education reform that is occurring in Hong Kong, Inland China and world-wide.

中、小學體育敎師在全面實施素質敎育,培養具有創新精神和實踐能力的新型人材中扮演著重要的角色。高等師範院校體育敎育專業則是培養和訓練這支跨世紀新型體育師資隊伍的搖籃。如何在體育敎育專業的敎學大綱和課程設置中體現實踐的重要性,創造機會讓學生走出課堂,通過觀摩、交流和實踐的手段來提高其敎學能力,是關係到能否培養出適應未來挑戰的中小學體育師資的關鍵。本文介紹了香港敎育學院體育及運動科學系舉辦的首次體育沉浸課程(Immersion Program)(中國-江蘇)2002交流活動,並就該課程的目標、內容、效果進行了分析,及在對香港中、小學體育敎學的現狀與內地的體育敎學進行了比較後,作者探討了香港體育敎育專業敎學改革的方向,並提出了一些可行的建議,以供香港體育工作者參考。


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How to Cite

CHIN, M. K. (2003). Connection of the New Education Reform and the 2002 Physical Education Immersion Program (Jiangsu - China) of The Hong Kong Institute of Education: Reflections and Suggestions: 教育改革新理念: 沉浸課程與香港中、小學體育師資培訓的反思和建議-香港教育學院體育沉浸課程(中國-江蘇)2002. Asian Journal of Physical Education &Amp; Recreation, 9(2), 8–18.


