Understanding Sport Participation Motivation and Barriers in Adolescent 11-17: An Introduction of Rowing Acitivity in Schools
了解青少年參與賽艇活動的意向: 在學校推廣賽艇活動
參與運動, 動機, 障礙, 青少年, 賽艇, 學校Abstract
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English; abstract also in Chinese.
The purpose of this study is to identify the drivers and barriers perceived by the adolescents for their desire to participate in rowing activity. 1,333 secondary school students, including 762 boys, 565 girls, and 6 students whose gender are not specified, aged from 11 to 17 participated in the survey after taking a rowing promotion programme and an 1-min maximal rowing ergometer test. The findings highlight that the male adolescents have stronger desire in taking rowing activity, besides, the desire seems to decline with the age in both gender groups. The female adolescents emphasize the enjoyment they gained in rowing activity, while the male adolescents concern final achievements more. Lack of interest is the most stated reason for their no intention to start rowing activity. Recommendations are suggested to meet the different motivational demands by adjusting the contents of the promotion programme or providing various programmes.
本研究探討青少年在學校推廣賽艇活動之後,影響他們參與賽艇活動的意向及考慮因素。共1,333名中學生(762男,565女,6 位沒有填上性別)完成校內賽艇推廣活動之後進行問卷調查。研究發現: 1)男女生參與的意向隨著年紀增長而下降,男生參加賽艇活動的意向比女生大。2)男女生參與的原因分別是著重參與所得到的樂趣和運動成績。而他們提出不想參加賽艇活動的原因是不感興趣。提議: 在賽艇推廣活動中可調節內容和提供多元化的活動,從而迎合他們的不同需要。
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