Field Tests of Cardiorespiratory Fitness for School Children
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English; abstract also in Chinese.
Cardiorespiratory (CR) fitness is an important component of the health-related physical fitness. CR fitness is related to oxygen delivery to muscles involving heart, lungs and circulatory system that enabling large muscles to work for a longer period of time. The most accurate reflection of CR fitness is maximal oxygen uptake (V02 max) at work. However, the test involves expensive laboratory equipment such as treadmill, cycle ergometer and gas analyzer. Field tests such as distance running tests and step tests are more appropriate to be used during physical education lesson. This article aims to introduce a few field tests for CR fitness to be used in schools.
心肺功能是健康相關體適能要素裡其中一主要項目,心肺功能是指心臟、肺部和循環系統有效地供給氧份,使整個身體能作出較長時間的大組肌肉運動。最準確的心肺功能測驗方法是分析運動中的最大攝氧量(V02 max),但這種方法需使用較昂貴的器材如跑步機、單車及氣體分析器等,而且只可在實驗室內進行。相反,一些可在一般場地進行的測試如跑步測試、台階測試等,均適合在學校的體育課中進行。本文將介紹幾種適合一般場地舉行的心肺功能測試並闡釋其運作理念。
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