A Dynamic Pedagogy of Physical Education Teacher Preparation: Linking Practice with Theory

美國體育碩士課程新動態 : 從實踐到理論


  • Christopher R. EDGINTON (克裏斯多夫‧艾占頓) University of Northern Iowa, USA (美國北愛荷華州大學)
  • Beth KIRKPATRICK (貝絲‧柯克派翠克) Grundy Center, Iowa, USA (美國愛荷華州格蘭迪中心
  • Rick SCHUPBACH (瑞克‧舒巴赫) Grundy Center, Iowa, USA (美國愛荷華州格蘭迪中心)
  • Carol PHILLIPS (卡羅爾‧菲力浦斯) University of Northern Iowa, USA (美國北愛荷華州大學)
  • Ming Kai CHIN (錢銘佳) University of Northern Iowa, USA (美國北愛荷華州大學)
  • Peter CHEN (陳景星) Dunedin College of Education (Now merged with University of Otago) NEW ZEALAND (新西蘭達尼丁教育學院)




Physical education, pedagogy, practice with theory, immersion, contextually-based, technology, community, heart rate monitoring, partnership, 沉浸式教學, 關聯教學, 科技教學, 體育教育, 創新改革, 心率監控, 學校與社區, 夥伴關係


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English; abstract also in Chinese.

Physical education teacher preparation programs are being called into question, failing to inspire, motivate or adequately prepare the needs of learners in the 21st Century. The application of the technical-rationality model for preparing teachers, where gaining theoretical knowledge as a prelude to practice, is being questioned. The problem is that the teaching of theoretical knowledge has not been adequately tied to actual practice of physical education in an effective fashion. This paper presents a frame work for a unique master’s degree program focused on preparing physical education teachers with an emphasis on technology. Known as the POLAR Scholar program, the uniqueness of the program emerges from the unique blend of seven curricular components in a holistic fashion. These include: 1) linking practice with theory, not the reverse; 2) creation of a total immersion, contextually based learning environment; 3) emphasis on the use of technology; 4) daily ongoing engagement with a master physical education teacher; 5) opportunities to use reflection as a strategy to improve professional practice; 6) extension of learning environments to partner organizations beyond the school, leading to greater community engagement; and 7) recruitment and selection of students to operate within cohort groups.

面對21世紀教育的發展趨勢,體育教師的培養面臨挑戰,如何鼓舞,激勵和迎合學生的需要成為關注的重點。以技術理性為主,從理論到實踐的教師培訓模式正在受到質疑。問題是,理論知識在體育教學中並沒有得到有效的實踐和應用。本文闡述了一 種獨特、創新的大學與社區合作的體育碩士培訓課程 -- POLAR Scholars,由美國北愛荷華大學,格蘭迪中心社區學校和芬蘭Polar Electro, Inc.合辦。該課程運用以科技為主的沉浸式教學方法,使用POLAR心率監控器為依據來觀測小學生體育課的運動負荷量,提高學生終身體育與健康意識。課程設計以綜合全面的培訓模式作為重點,包括七個方面: 1) 參加課程培訓的教師從實踐到理論來獲得的直接體育教學經驗,而不是理論到實踐; 2) 採用沉浸式教學方法在學校和社區進行實踐學習;3) 科技教學手段的實際運用; 4) 實習教師與輔導教師的之間的日常協作與夥伴關係;5) 通過實踐學習,提高反思能力;6) 學校和社區相結合,提供與社區交流的機會,讓學生走進社區進行實踐學習; 7) 每年進行全國的招募,審核和挑選優秀的學生參加課程培訓。


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How to Cite

EDGINTON, C. R. ., KIRKPATRICK, . B. ., SCHUPBACH, R. ., PHILLIPS, C. ., CHIN, M.- kai, & CHEN, P. . (2010). A Dynamic Pedagogy of Physical Education Teacher Preparation: Linking Practice with Theory: 美國體育碩士課程新動態 : 從實踐到理論. Asian Journal of Physical Education &Amp; Recreation, 16(2), 7–24. https://doi.org/10.24112/ajper.161893


