《歸田録》、《東坡志林》 二種筆記中日常書寫之風貌與意義

The Style and Significance of Writing about Daily Life in the Casual Notes in the Guitian lu and Dongpo zhilin


  • 劉師健 (LIU Shijian) 湖南省社會科學院文學研究所




《歸田録》, 《東坡志林》, 日常轉向, 世俗化, 人文化, Guitian lu, Dongpo zhilin, Turning to daily life, Secularization, Humanistic turn


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.

經魏晉至唐代的逐漸轉變,宋代筆記不再拘泥於補史之闕,而是以記録身 邊百事乃至個人經歷、心情感悟爲旨歸。衆多筆記中,歐陽修的《歸田録》與蘇軾的《東坡志林》在承有紀實的史學傳統時,記録日常,平凡俗事之中,見出新奇,傳達意味,具有了資閑談與“自怡”的性質,顯示出對傳統筆記紀實性的新發展,是爲拓展了筆記在表現内容上的寬度和廣度。其關注個體日常生活表現内在情韻的文本因素爲後世筆記創作提供了新的審美視角。

Through the gradual transformation from the Wei and Jin to the Tang Dynasty, the casual notes of the Song Dynasty were no longer confined to supplementing dynastic history, but aimed at recording the personal experience and feelings of people around the author. Among the numerous notes, Ouyang Xiu's (1007 - 1072) Guitian lu (Records of Returning to My Old Fields) and Su Shi's (1037 - 1101) Dongpo Zhilin (Collected Records of Dongpo) stand out for novelty in conveying amusement. They carry on the historical tradition of documentary by recording ordinary life and events, and thereby endow themselves with the nature of idle talk and u self-entertainment ”. These aspects mark a new development in the documentary nature of traditional casual notes, which underwent a process of expansion in the breadth of their content. Their attention to the individual's daily life and expression of inner feelings opened up a new aesthetic perspective for the writing of casual notes in later generations.




How to Cite

劉 師. (2021). 《歸田録》、《東坡志林》 二種筆記中日常書寫之風貌與意義: The Style and Significance of Writing about Daily Life in the Casual Notes in the Guitian lu and Dongpo zhilin. 人文中國學報, 33, 265–279. https://doi.org/10.24112/sinohumanitas.331969


