
On the Qing-dynasty Painting “Reading in the Autumn Groves” from the Perspective of the “Poetry-Painting” Relationship, Focusing on Weng Fang-Gang and His Colleagues’ Inscriptions on the Painting of “Yuyang Reading”


  • 范洪傑 (FAN Hongjie) 山東師範大學文學院




秋林讀書圖, 翁方綱, 王士禛, 題畫詩, 詩髓, “Reading in the Autumn Groves”, Weng Fanggang, Wang Shizhen, Inscription poem on painting, “Marrow of Poetry”


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.


The inscriptions on Wang Shizhen’s (1634-1711) “Reading in the Autumn Groves” by the disciples and friends of Weng Fanggang (1733-1818) boosted the increasing popularity of these kinds of paintings and inscription of poetry on paintings in the Qianlong and Jiaqing eras (1736-1820). The title “Reading in the Autumn Groves” was first created by Yuan-dynasty painters, appeared in a “Reading” series of painting titles that became increasingly popular, and contributed to the formation of a new vogue in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Because of its rich intellectual appeal, it won the favor of the literati and became an object of literary creation and inscription. The series of “Reading” painting titles are strong in both communicative and private features, which is reflected the decades of similar works by Weng Fanggang, his disciples and friends, who inscribed on Wang Shizhen’s paintings under the title “Reading in the Autumn Groves.” These inscription poems are of great significance in our understanding of the relationship between Wang’s and Weng’s poetics, their academic backgrounds, and the scholarship styles of the Qian-Jia era in which Weng mainly lived, as well as some aspects of the relationship between painting and poetry. In the process of inscribing and appreciating these paintings titled “Reading in the Autumn Groves,” Weng Fanggang gained enlightenment in poetics and the ontology of the art of poetry and painting from a cross-disciplinary perspective (called “Marrow of Poetry” theory). These have rich theoretical value and are worth re-consideration.




How to Cite

范 洪. (2020). “詩-圖”學視野下的清代“秋林讀書圖”及其題詩———以翁方綱與同人對“漁洋讀書圖”的題詠爲中心: On the Qing-dynasty Painting “Reading in the Autumn Groves” from the Perspective of the “Poetry-Painting” Relationship, Focusing on Weng Fang-Gang and His Colleagues’ Inscriptions on the Painting of “Yuyang Reading”. 人文中國學報, 30, 129–166. https://doi.org/10.24112/sinohumanitas.302016


