
Augmentation and Re-compilation of the Zuo Zhuan in the Han and Jin Dynasties


  • 李明陽 (LI Mingyang) 中國社會科學院中國社會科學雜誌社




《左傳》, 附益, 文體, 史官職事, 規訓, The Zuozhuan, augmentation, genre, mission of a historian, principles


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.


The Zuozhuan (Zuo Commentaries [on Annals of The Spring and Autumn Period]) was first compiled by a certain historian of the State of Lu named Zuo, but the edition we now have was a product of augmentation and re-compilation done by some other hands after Zuo. The Zuozhuan was not meant to serve as a “commentary” on the classics when it was first written. Later, some scholars incorporated some brief accounts from the Chunqiu (Annals of the Spring and Autumn Period) and wrote some exegetic notes on this classic. The “Fifty Rubrics,” which were quite similar to these notes on the classics, were likewise new components augmented by a later hand. The basic structure of Zuo’s narratives may be summed up as a flow, which starts with “an omen” to its “fulfilment” and “comments” by people and, finally, to “alliance” of states. The rubric of “the gentleman said” is a means by which the author brought in the comments made by people of the time; it serves to reflect Zuo’s views of history, moral values, and the motive behind writing. The Zuozhuan was first finished in the middle of the Warring States Period. It was meant to be a primary history by an individual. However, during the period of Han to Jin, the writing of culture powered by this kind of spirit ceased. Instead, the struggle for political discourse triggered the acts of augmentation and re-compilation of historical writings. As such, these later compilers added some events to the original Zuozhuan. In addition, they made changes to the structure and narrative strategy of the original book, in an attempt to match up the relevant parts in the Chunqiu. Then, the Zuozhuan completed its transformation from being a private historiographic work to becoming a public discourse resource. The augmentation and re-compilation of the Zuozhuan not only reflect the attitude of the scholars of Confucian classics of Han to Jin times towards Zuo’s historiographic principles, but also highlight the extent of how the historiography of the time, which had been divorced from religious tradition and committed to knowledge structure, became alienated from the mission of a historian of basic primary history.




How to Cite

李 明. (2018). 漢晉時代《左傳》的附益與編修: Augmentation and Re-compilation of the Zuo Zhuan in the Han and Jin Dynasties. 人文中國學報, 27, 205–253. https://doi.org/10.24112/sinohumanitas.272056


