
Revisiting the Sickened Bodies in Eileen Chang’s Novels, with Focuses on The Withering Flower, The Red Rose and the White Rose, and Little Reunion


  • 楊佳嫻 (YANG Chia Hsien) 臺灣清華大學中國文學系




張愛玲, 病態身體, 疾病書寫, 性别, Eileen Chang, morbid body, narratives of illness, gender


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.

蘇珊•桑塔格(Susan Sontag)認爲,疾病是内在精神狀態通過身體說出的語言,是一種自我表達。張愛玲(1920—1995)小說的文本分析車載斗量,疾病書寫在“張學”裏不是新話題。曹七巧“閣樓上的瘋女人”(The Madwoman in the Attic)形象,肺病隱喻,歇斯底里症候,或厭食症狀、子宫病變,均是學者關注焦點。總的來說,肺結核、歇斯底里、瘋狂,應該是張愛玲小說内的疾病書寫最常被論及的面向,當然,這些也是中國現代文學裏慣見的幾種病態。而本文則希望能擴及張愛玲小說内其他尚未被論說圓滿的病體書寫。


Susan Sontag argues that illness is the internal spiritual status that becomes a language spoken through the body, and is therefore a form of self-expression. There have been plenty of studies of Eileen Chang’s (1920-1995) novels, and the discussion of narratives on illnesses in her works is not new. Cao Qiqiao, the Madwoman in the Attic depicted as a patient of tuberculosis with symptoms of hysteria, anorexia and uterine diseases, has long been a focus of recent scholarship. These are certainly common illnesses found in modern Chinese literature. The present essay, however, is an attempt to discuss Chang’s writing on illnesses that have not yet been studied.

Hence, the present research focuses on illnesses such as tuberculosis in The Withering Flower, cholera and constipation in The Red Rose and the White Rose, and anorexia and dyspareunia in Little Union. It explores three types of morbid bodies in Chang’s novels: exhausted and ugly bodies; confined and self-imprisoned bodies; and internally injured and self-abandoned bodies; and discusses their significance as well as their aesthetic functions. The description of the body is essential in the discussion of narratives of illnesses because by means of its formidable power illness functions in implying or indirectly depicting the protagonist’s changes in physical and psychological condition as well as her life dilemmas. Furthermore, the research explores the connection between certain encounters and certain diseases. Making use of historical sources, the analysis of texts may become more in-depth; we see that the morbid bodies in Chang’s novels by no means exist in isolation but are imbedded in a contextual picture of history, society, and gender.




How to Cite

楊 佳. (2017). 重探張愛玲小說裏的病態身體———以《花凋》、《紅玫瑰與白玫瑰》、《小團圓》爲主: Revisiting the Sickened Bodies in Eileen Chang’s Novels, with Focuses on The Withering Flower, The Red Rose and the White Rose, and Little Reunion. 人文中國學報, 25, 85–110. https://doi.org/10.24112/sinohumanitas.252078


