
A Facet of Investiture of God Status from the Perspective of Daoist Rituals of Pacifying Spirits


  • 田仲一成 (TANAKA Isei) 東京大學




英雄祭祀, 封神臺, 二十八宿, 目連戲, 鎮魂儀式, sacrificial rites for heroes, Terrace for Investiture of God Status, the twenty-eight stars, plays on the Mulian story, rituals for pacifying spirits


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.


The novel Investiture of God Status was often adapted as a drama and performed on stage. This was especially the case among the circles of merchants from Huizhou or Jiangxi in Jiangxi, Hu’nan, Sichuan, etc. Along with other novels, such as Yue Fei the Patriot, The Devotion of Guanyin and Journey to the West, it was always combined with A Play on Mulian Saving His Mother and became new drama performed on stage. What was the reason for this phenomenon? In fact, in Investiture of God Status the spirits of many heroes who died in battles were summoned by Bojian to the Terrace of Investiture of God Status, where Jiang Ziya pacified their grievances by granting them status in the realm of heaven. This kind of religious salvation (rituals of pacifying spirits) shares significant similarities with the repertoire structure in plays of “Mulian saving his mother,” in which many forlorn spirits and wronged ghosts are consoled by Saint Mulian and thereby transcend to heaven. Hence Investiture of God Status, a novel about gods and demons which carries rich Daoist thought, became a counterpart of the Buddhist-orientated plays about Mulian and was performed at the same time. The present essay discusses its performances based on the examples from Sichuan province.




How to Cite

田仲 一. (2016). 道教鎮魂儀式視野下的《封神演義》的一側面: A Facet of Investiture of God Status from the Perspective of Daoist Rituals of Pacifying Spirits. 人文中國學報, 23, 207–240. https://doi.org/10.24112/sinohumanitas.232112


