
Ming Dynasty as the Beginning of Modern Chinese History —Theories of Kuo Ting-yee and Ray Huang


  • 李金强 (LEE Kam Keung) 香港浸會大學歷史系




鴉片戰爭, 明代, 明末清初, 唐宋變革期, 内藤湖南, 郭廷以, 黄仁宇, Opium War, Ming Dynasty, Late Ming and Early Qing, Transitions in Tang and Song China, Naitō Konan, Kuo Ting-yee, Ray Huang


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.


The research of modern Chinese history was given special attention in the twentieth century by scholars within and outside China, and gradually became a prominent field in the study of Chinese history. One important topic for the research of modern Chinese history concerns periodization. Historians are especially interested in determining the starting point of this period. They have respectively suggested several demarcative points: the Opium War, the Self-Strengthening Movement, the transition period between the Ming-Qing dynasties, the Ming dynasty, and the Song dynasty. The Opium War is the most widely accepted, while the Self-Strengthening Movement and the Song dynasty have the lowest number of proponents. The present study focuses on advocacy for the transition period between the Ming-Qing dynasties and support for the Ming dynasty theory. The former enjoys considerable support, with Kuo Ting-yee as its most influential proponent; while the latter is only advocated by Ray Huang. These two theories form the content of the present case study on the close relationship between the Ming dynasty and modern Chinese history.




How to Cite

李 金. (2014). 明代爲中國近代史上限説———以郭廷以(1904—1975)及黄仁宇(1918—2000)爲例: Ming Dynasty as the Beginning of Modern Chinese History —Theories of Kuo Ting-yee and Ray Huang. 人文中國學報, 20, 69–88. https://doi.org/10.24112/sinohumanitas.202160


