
Self-contemplation and Objective Presentment: Talking about Tai Jinqnong’s native novels in 1920’s


  • 賴柏霖 (LAI Polin) 世新大學人文社會學院中國文學系




臺靜農, 魯迅, 鄉土小説, 鄉愁, 寫實主義, 《地之子》, Tai Jinqnong, Lu Xun, native novel, realism, Son of Land


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.


In 1920’s, Mr. Tai’s native novels are marvelous in literary circle. Among his fourteen native novels, two different characters were shown as Self-contemplation type and Objective Presentment type. The former type of writing uses the first person’s point of views and concludes the emotion made by the first person, which represents the awareness of intelligentsia toward the society. On the other hand, the latter type of writing uses rather than the first person to describe the stories and emphasizes the main characteristics, which shows the sympathy toward the world. This article points out that Mr. Tai’s native novels with Self-contemplation describing mode are not so plenty, but that can present his major performance in literary; his articles have the nostalgia emotion which Lu Xun mentions and that also shows Mr. Tai could not escape from “Obsession with China”. With the comparison, this article considers that Mr. Tai’s Son of Land talks about the meaning of novels by using Objective Presentment describing mode; it could abandon too much realism’s enlightened missions and it uses a different describing mode to show how a specific person lives in his real life; then it could find describing way without Self-contemplation.




How to Cite

賴 柏. (2014). “自省”與“呈現”———論臺靜農先生1920年代的鄉土小説創作: Self-contemplation and Objective Presentment: Talking about Tai Jinqnong’s native novels in 1920’s. 人文中國學報, 20, 291–318. https://doi.org/10.24112/sinohumanitas.202167


