LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.
通常把中國古典小説分為“文言小説”和“白話小説”兩類。這兩個稱謂的確方便應用,卻總嫌不夠學術性。譬如《三國演義》,其語言是以淺近的文言為主,間雜白話而已,怎麼可以稱為“白話小説”呢?稱為“文言小説”吧,在ー大堆志怪、傳奇面前,難免有“非我族類”之譏。又如〈杜十娘怒沈百寶箱〉, 文言白話混雜,也不知該稱為“文言小説”好還是“白話小説”好!何況,這兩個名稱使人過份集中注意語言上的區別了,其實這兩類小説各有不同的起源,不同的發展,體裁上也顯然有別,實是兩個不同源流的作品。(撮要取自內文首段)
The origin of Chinese vernacular fiction can be traced to the “sing and narrate” stories popular in the monasteries in the T’ang Dynasty. That the stories were partly narrated and partly sung influenced later Chinese fiction writings, especially the “chaptered fiction”(章回小説), from Bien-wen(變文)down to Ching Dynasty. Every aspect in the “chaptered fiction”, be it style, language, narrative, technique, plot or character building, bears the impact of this narrate and sing tradition. The paper is a detail study of this influence. (Abstract taken from first paragraph of document.)
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