
An Investigation of the mao-ci (貌詞) in Li-sao (離騷)and Jiu-ge (九歌)


  • 陳雄根 (CHAN Hung Kan) 香港中文大學中國語言及文學系




LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.

《離騷》、《九歌》運用大量描繪性的詞語來狀物寫情,王逸注《楚辭》,每以「XX貌」來解釋這類詞。 近人將這類詞劃入形容詞或副詞,然而,從《離騷》、《九歌》文例觀之,這類詞既不是形容詞,也不是副詞,它們是自成一類的,本文稱之為「貌詞」。

從語音形式來看,《離騷》、《九歌》貌詞有以下特色:(1)重言;(2)雙聲叠韻;(3)非雙聲叠 韻;(4)單音詞;(5)「單言+重言」;(6)「單言+雙聲疊韻」。就語法功能而言,貌詞的基本功能是作狀語,也有作定語、謂語和補語。


Descriptive phrases are widely used in Li-sao and Jiu-ge for object description and feelings expression. Wang Yi (王逸)'s annotation of Chu-ci (楚辭)always explains these phrases with "appearing xx" (XX貌). Recently, scholars take these phrases as adjectives or adverbs. However, viewing from the style of Li-sao and Jiu-ge, these phrases belong to a category other than both adjective and adverb, this paper terms them as mao-ci (貌詞).

Viewing from their phonetic form, there are several characteristics in the mao-ci of Li-sao and Jiu-ge: (1)reduplicated form(重言),(2)shuang-sheng (雙聲)and die-yun (疊韻),(3)non shuang-sheng and die-yun (非雙聲疊韻),(4) monosyllable (單音詞),(5)single and reduplicated form (單言+重言),(6)single form+ shuang-sheng and die-yun (單言 + 雙聲疊韻). Viewing from their grammatical function, mao-ci basically function as adverbial, adjective, predicate and compliment.

It is often difficult to clearly define the original meaning of a specific mao-ci in Li-sao and Jiu-ge, but understanding their phonetic form and grammatical function surely helps. This paper aims to analyze the linguistic and structural characteristics of mao-ci, and investigate their function in the sentences in which they come from. Particular mao-ci that entice different interpretations will be re-examined.



How to Cite

陳 雄. (2001). 《離騷》、《九歌》貌詞研究: An Investigation of the mao-ci (貌詞) in Li-sao (離騷)and Jiu-ge (九歌). 人文中國學報, 8, 85–107. https://doi.org/10.24112/sinohumanitas.82367


