
The Relationship between Xing-Xiang(the Configuration of Inspiration), Feng-Shen (Windlike Spirit) and Ge-Diao(Sonorous Style) in Hu, Ying-Lin's Aesthetic System of 《Shi Sou (The Lake of Poems)》


  • 元鍾禮 (WON Jong Lye) 大韓民國Catholic大學校外國語文學部




LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.






Hu, Ying-Lin had paid much attention to formative elements of poems, for example, temperament, tone and the characters of any special type of poems in one hand; but in other hand, he used an interesting simile, that is: Ti-Ge (the traditional characters of any special type of poems) and Sheng-Lu (temperament) & Yun-Du (tone) are similar to water and mirror, Xing-Xiang (the Configuration of Inspiration), Feng-Shen (Windlike Spirit) is similar to the moon and a flower which is shown in water or a mirror. His simile is easy to cause us to recognize the meaning of the Ti-Ge and Sheng-Diao (temperament and tone) as limited to simple formative factors and Xing-Xiang, Feng-Shen as the reflecion of the writer's emotion, spirit, and inspiration, etc..

I have had a hypothesis the poetics of sonorous style (Ge-Diao) said by former and later seven masters in Ming Dynasty implies the aesthetic sense which has come from Confucius thought, and concerns about favorite style of poems. But, Hu, Ying-Lin's simile looks like to deny my hypothesis to be true. It may go so far as to change him from a man of sonorous style to a man of Xing-Xiang (the Con-figuration of Inspiration), Feng-Shen (Windlike Spirit).

Through this study, I have known that Ti-Ge (the traditional characters of any special type of poems) said by Hu, Ying-Lin does not only mean some formative elements of any special type of poems (implies how to arrange meanings, how to make a structure of a sentence and a clause, how to use sounds and rhymes etc.), but also mean ideal and traditional style of any special type of poems.

All of the Ti-Ge (the traditional characters of any special type of poems) which he had mentioned if does not belong to the style of Xing-Xiang (the Configuration of Inspiration), then belongs to the style of Feng-Shen (Windlike Spirit), except only one type of poems. The only one type of poems of exceptions is the poems from music (Yue-Fu Ti 樂府體), it asks the poet for any strong motived emotions, and implies srong energy and will. So the ideal and traditional style of the poems from music is 'loft and severe(峻)' or 'perilous and harsh (嶮)'. Among the styles of Ge-Diao, 'tragic and stirring (Bei-Zhuang 悲壯)', 'flat and clear (Ping-Qing 平清)', 'free and light(Xian-Dan 閒淡)', 'floating (Liu-Dong 流動)'can be belong to the style of Xing-Xiang (the Configuration of Inspiration), also. Except 'tragic and stirring (Bei-Zhuang 悲壯)', 'flat and clear (Ping-Qing 平清)', 'free and light (Xian-Dan 閒淡)', 'floating (Liu-Dong 流動)'can be belong to the style of 'elegant and bright (Xiu-Lang 秀朗)' which is one style of Feng-Shen (Windlike Spirit).

The Ti-Ge (the traditional characters of any special type of poems) said by Hu, Ying-Lin means inherent formative and stylistic characters in a special type of poems. Xing-Xiang (the Configuration of Inspiration) is the aesthetic category which comes from mild and tender characters of writer. Feng-Shen (Windlike Spirit) is the aesthetic category which comes from liberal and spacious characters and the aspirations tended for the nature of writer. So We can say that Xing-Xiang (the Configuration of Inspiration) and Feng-Shen (Windlike Spirit) reflect special character of a writer as a individual human being.

Through the table-Ti-Ge (the traditional characters of any special type of poems), we can see Ti-Ge (the traditional characters) of ancient type of seven character poems (七言古詩)and recent type of seven character & eight line poems (七言律詩)and doubled recent type of five & seven charater and eight line poems (五七言排律)already implies 'empty and spacious 'Feng-Shen (Windlike Spirit) aesthetic feeling. If a writer express his or her Xing-Xiang (the Configuration of Inspiration) and Feng-Shen (Windlike Spirit), he or she can not find any conflicts with Ti-Ge (the traditional characters of any special type.) Because Xing-Xiang (the Configuration of Inspiration) and Feng-Shen (Windlike Spirit) although come from one's individuality, but they keep some aesthetic distance from one's real life and have elegant and graceful characters, which does not make any conflicts with traditional aesthetic feelings.



How to Cite

元 鍾. (2001). 在胡應麟《詩藪》美學體系中的興象、風神與格調之關係(上): The Relationship between Xing-Xiang(the Configuration of Inspiration), Feng-Shen (Windlike Spirit) and Ge-Diao(Sonorous Style) in Hu, Ying-Lin’s Aesthetic System of 《Shi Sou (The Lake of Poems)》. 人文中國學報, 8, 235–273. https://doi.org/10.24112/sinohumanitas.82373


