
Mei Tsengliang’s Association in Capital and Spreading of T‘ung ch’eng Ancient Prose over the Country


  • 魏泉 (WEI Quan) 華東師範大學中文系




LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.


The T’ung-ch’eng school is a very important literary genre in Chinese literary history, “All prose of Qing dynasty have relationship with T’ung-ch’eng prose”. There are three important periods of time in the diffustion of T’ung-ch’eng prose writing law. In the first period Yao Nai teached in colleges of south city in his senectitude. In the second period Mei Tseng-liang associated with his “mentors and friends” in Hsuan-an of capital during Tao kuang period. In the third period Tseng Kuo-fan advocated T’ung-ch’eng Prose utmostly during Xian Feng and Tong Zhi period, causing the resurgence of the T’ung-ch’eng school. Among these periods, the study about the second is the most feeble tache. The method of Mei Tseng-liang transmited T’ung-ch’eng prose writing law in capital, is different from Yao Nai’s giving lectures and Tseng Kuo-fan’s setting up his private bureaucracy. It’s hard to discuss this association from the point of literary theory, but there have left a lot of testimony in poetry and prose anthology of Qing literati. My thesis starts with the association of capital literati, through citing detailed historial materials, to revivify the history of Mei Tseng-liang and the acient prose group around him. At the same time, I also pay attention to the other literati circles in capital, analyzing their anfractuous relationship, accordingly attest to the particular process of T’ung-ch’eng ancient prose spreading to all of the country through Mei Tseng-liang.



How to Cite

魏 泉. (2004). 梅曾亮的京師交遊與桐城古文的流衍全國: Mei Tsengliang’s Association in Capital and Spreading of T‘ung ch’eng Ancient Prose over the Country. 人文中國學報, 10, 221–267. https://doi.org/10.24112/sinohumanitas.102409


