
A Discussion of Eight Lexical Items in Hanyu Dazidian


  • 郭鵬飛 (GUO Pengfei) 香港城市大學中文、翻譯及語言學系




LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.


Hanyu Da Zidian has long been considered the most authoritative dictionary in China. The sheer number of prominent linguists, academics and lexicographers who had helped its compilation is monumental. The dictionary has a total of some 56,000 entries. Semantic, syntactic and phonological properties of each entry, as well as the evolutionary nature of the "shape" of the character, are analysed in detail. Each entry has explanatory notes that explore thoroughly its semantic properties and the nuances of its shifting meanings. It has therefore been regarded as a definitive work. However, because of the vast variety of works involved, and the extensive history of Chinese civilization, there are unavoidably inaccuracies and inadequacies found in the Hanyu Da Zidian, in terms of its selection of characters, coverage, and clarity. This essay attempts to re-examine semantically eight lexical items from the dictionary. They are namely yu (遇), sheng(盛), ji(即), zhi(治), qie(且), zai(在), cong (從)and mao(冒). It is hoped that the re-examination of the items would offer possible suggestions for improving and refining the Hanyu Da Zidian.



How to Cite

郭 鵬. (2005). 《漢語大字典》義項辨正八則: A Discussion of Eight Lexical Items in Hanyu Dazidian. 人文中國學報, 11, 419–439. https://doi.org/10.24112/sinohumanitas.112442


