
Wen and the Construction of a Critical System in Wenxin Diaolong


  • 蔡宗齊 (CAI Zongqi) 美國伊利諾斯州立大學東亞語言文化系




文與道, 文與聖, 文與言/書, 文與理, 文與情, Liu Xie, Wenxin Diaolong, wen (culture, writing, literature), polysemy of wen (culture, writing, literature), wen and the Dao, wen and qing (emotion), wen and principles (li), Chinese literature and cosmology


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.



This article has revealed a neat dovetailing of wen’s multiple meanings with the entire echelon of Liu Xie’s critical views. This dovetailing results from Liu Xie’s persistent efforts to exploit the multivalence of wen to accommodate and legitimize his critical views. In Chapter 1 he adapts the “essentialist” view of wen as magico-cosmic symbols developed in the “Great Commentary” to make his broad claim for literature as the embodiment of the Dao. In Chapters 2 and 3, he deliberately disassociates the wen of the sages from the established pre-Han ritual-centered notion of wen and reinterprets it solely in the Han and post-Han sense of writing. With this deliberate anachronistic use of wen, he aims to establish a grand lineage of literature, extending from its genesis in the graphic cosmic symbols of the Changes through the establishment of its archetypal forms in the Five Classics to its full flowering of belletristic and non-belletristic genres in post-Confucian times. His view of the wen and Dao sets the direction for his survey of genres in Chapters 4-25. Believing that the potency of wen as the Dao’s embodiment depends on its graphic forms (graphic symbols and writings), Liu Xie is naturally disposed to foreground writing (shu) at the expense of speech (yan) and accordingly privilege written over spoken genres. In the course of discussing the 36 major genres, Liu Xie also elaborates on the wen’s relationship with li (principle) and qing (emotion) in an effort to distinguish the features of two broad categories of writing. While the revelation of li is the defining feature of non-belletristic genres, he contends, the expression of emotion is that of belletristic genres. In Chapters 26-49 Liu Xie looks into the dynamic interplay of wen with qing as he discuss the six major theoretical subjects essential to our understanding of belleslettres. It is almost solely in light of the interplay of wen and qing that Liu Xie evaluates the impact of the author’s qualities, describes the creative and receptive process, and assess the developments of literary history.

The multivalence of wen in the Literary Mind may be compared to a giant web with the notion of “patterning” lying at its center and extending into diverse realms. By deftly utilizing this web of meanings, Liu Xie has successfully set up a grand conceptual framework that ramifies from his central claim of wen as the embodiment of the Dao to include his views on the relationship between cultural and literary traditions, on the development of genres, on the distinctions between oral and written, non-belletristic and belletristic genres; on the creative and receptive processes; on the author’s and the reader’s qualities, and on literary history. Although Liu Xie is hardly the first to formulate views on any of those subjects, he is nevertheless the very first to integrate such a broad range of views into a critical system characterized by its emphasis on the embodiment of the Dao in wen, on the primacy of writing, on the perfect matching of wen and li, and on the fusion of wen and qing. For this feat he truly deserves the pre-eminence accorded him in the Chinese critical traditions.



How to Cite

蔡 宗. (2008). 《文心雕龍》中“文”的多重含義及劉勰文學理論體系的建立: Wen and the Construction of a Critical System in Wenxin Diaolong. 人文中國學報, 14, 139–172. https://doi.org/10.24112/sinohumanitas.142504




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