
Correction of Errors in the Chronology of Wang Anshi’s Poetry and Prose in Cai Shangxiang's A Brief Study of the Chronology of Wang Jinggong


  • 壽湧 (SHOU Yong) 原上海市黃浦教育學院




《王荆公年譜考略》, 王安石, 詩文, 繫年, 疏誤辨正, Cai Shangxiang's A Brief Study of the Chronology of Wang Jinggong, Wang Anzhi, poetry and prose, chronology, errors, Xu Zizhi tongjian changbian, historical data, date of composition, correction


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.


A Brief Study of the Chronology of Wang Jinggong by Cai Shangxiang (Jinshi 1761) has long been regarded as seminal reading for scholars of Wang Anshi (1021-1086). However, this book primarily focuses on serving as an exculpation of Wang’s charges and refutation against Wang’s enemies. The author neglected relevant historical facts recorded in Li Tao’s (1115-1184) Xu Zizhi tongjian changbian and he did not do enough analysis and research into the works and their backgrounds. As a result, there are many errors in the dating of some of Wang’s poetry and prose. The present essay aims to correct these mistakes in the chronology of some of his compositions. These works are listed in the sequence found in primary sources and their dates of composition are reconstructed according to relevant historical records. The present study is a means to restore and achieve the original goal of Cai Shangxiang in order to enhance the book’s practical use in academic research. The total number of poems and prose pieces for examination is forty-six.



How to Cite

壽 湧. (2011). 蔡上翔《王荆公年譜考略》詩文繋年正誤: Correction of Errors in the Chronology of Wang Anshi’s Poetry and Prose in Cai Shangxiang’s A Brief Study of the Chronology of Wang Jinggong. 人文中國學報, 17, 519–557. https://doi.org/10.24112/sinohumanitas.172603


