Log-linear Adjusted Lower Limb Muscle Power of Boys and Girls



  • Michael CHIA (謝永和) Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE (新加坡南洋理工大學)
  • Jin Jong QUEK (郭仁勇) Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE (新加坡南洋理工大學)




LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in English; abstract also in Chinese.

The study investigated the log-linear muscle power of the lower limbs in a group of 13 to 14 year old boys and girls. Participants were 48 boys (stature: 1.69±0.05m; body mass: 57.9±11.8kg; lower limb muscle mass: 16.4±2.5kg) and 38 girls (stature: 1.59±0.06m; body mass: 57.7±7.6kg; lower limb muscle mass: 12.5±1.2kg). Lower limb muscle mass (LLMM) was determined using a dual energy X-ray absorptiometric (DEXA) procedure. Participants completed a 30s Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT) where peak power (PP) and mean power (MP) were expressed in relation to LLMM using log-linear adjustment procedures. Boys and girls had similar log-linear adjusted PP (495W vs. 488W, p>0.05) and MP (423W vs. 422W, p>0.05) when they were expressed in relation to LLMM. However, common b exponents that defined the allometric relationship between PP and MP, and LLMM in both boys and girls were 1.26 (SE 0.15), and 1.21 (SE 0.15), respectively. These were markedly different from the b exponent of 1.0 used in the ratio standard, or the 0.67 value predicted from geometric similarity theory. Despite a similar interpretation of data (i.e. no sex difference in lower limb muscle power in boys and girls) using either allometric modeling, allometric modeling of sample-specific exercise data is recommended to produce an appropriate size-independent variable, to allow appropriate comparisons in performance between boys and girls.

本文以對數一線性修正法對13 — 14歲少年下肢力量進行了研究。測試對象為48名男孩(身高為1.69 ± 0.05米,體重為57.9 ± 11.8公斤,下肢去脂體重為16.4 ±2.5公斤)和38名女孩(身高為1.59 ± 0.06米,體重為57.7 ± 7.6公斤,下肢去脂體重為12.5 ± 1.2公斤)。以雙光能X光吸收儀(DEXA)測定受試者下肢的去脂體重。受試對象在自行車功率儀上完成30秒溫蓋特無氧功率測試 (Wingate Anaerobic Test, WAnT),以對數-線性修正法表示最高功率和平均功率與下肢去脂體重的關係。其結果顯不,男孩與女孩的最高功率分別為495瓦與488瓦(p>0.05),平均功率分別為423瓦與422瓦(p>0.05)。根據對數-線性修正法所得的最高功率和平均功率與下肢去脂體重關係的b指數分別1.26 (SE為0.15)與1.21 (SE為0.15),男女相同。此結果與常用標準比b指數為1,或應用幾何相似理論推測值0.67等方法所得的結果明顯不同。應用異速生長模型(對數-線性修正法)可測得與其實驗對象和運動形式相適應的形態機體指標,因而可較正確地比較少年男女之間的運動能力。


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How to Cite

CHIA, M., & QUEK, J. J. (2002). Log-linear Adjusted Lower Limb Muscle Power of Boys and Girls: 以對數-線性修正法對少年下肢力量的研究. Asian Journal of Physical Education &Amp; Recreation, 8(2), 67–71. https://doi.org/10.24112/ajper.81273


