
On the Main Logic-name-form and Content of Different Categories of the Chinese Ancient Books SanLi


  • 李開 (LI Kai) 南京大學文學院




《三禮》, 内在邏輯, 主體名式, 語言哲學背景, 《儀禮》四大類八大綱, 《禮記》八大綱, 《緇衣》道德固化説, 《樂記》中的古代音樂理論要點, The Chinese Ancient Books SanLi (ZhouLi《周禮》, The Propriety of the West Zhou; YiLi《儀禮》, The Ceremony-rite of the West Zhou Dynasty; LiJi《禮記》, The Explanation of the Chinese Ancient Propriety), logic inside the Books of SanLi, main logic-name-pattern, linguistics-philosophical the scene, YiLi has 4 large categories and 8 general outline, Liji was distinguished 8 parts, regularization of traditional ethics that the paper of ZhiYi contains, ancient music theory contained by the book of Yueji


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.


Covering of the Chinese Ancient Books SanLi (ZhouLi 《周禮》, The Propriety of the West Zhou Dynasty; YiLi《儀禮》, The Ceremony-rite of the West Zhou《禮記》, The Explanation of the Chinese Ancient Propriety) you should mostly grasp logic inside them, namely say as the logic-name-pattern, take their main headrope of fishing net and understand their categories significance, and all the mesh of a fishing net opens when its headrope is pulled. The article maintains that main logic-name-pattern of ZhouLi is the name system to assign right job to suit some peoples’ status or Position of “LiuGuan” (six parts of bureaucrats). If we are grasping “LiuGuan” and following it in order and advanced step by step, we can easily discover that is political and structuralogical and sociological the scene, ultimately, that is linguistics-philosophical the scene. YiLi has 4 large categories 8 general outline. Every outline contains some articles. If we know the main significance of every outline, we can operate from a strategic commanding height and prevent overelaborate. Even to research the words of thing and its name, this is also a path of throwing light on the named system of YiLi. Liji was distinguished 8 parts or 3 large parts. There are onlines of main significances of the propriety and rules of ancient rite and the history of ancient culture. The article takes the first part as example. It contains 16 introductions and Yueji (on music). We compare the literary works with cultural relics excavated from underground and reveal regularization of traditional ethics that the paper ZhiYi (the black clothes) contains, and we analyse 22 ancient music theory contained by the book. All these can be given an attention.



How to Cite

李 開. (2008). 論《三禮》主體名式和類旨: On the Main Logic-name-form and Content of Different Categories of the Chinese Ancient Books SanLi. 人文中國學報, 14, 173–200. https://doi.org/10.24112/sinohumanitas.142505


