
Brief Discussion of Ji Yun’s Study of the New Songs from the Jade Terrace


  • 傅剛 (FU Gang) 北京大學中文系




紀昀, 玉臺新詠, 考異, 批校本, 成就, Ji Yun, The New Songs from the Jade Terrace, Critical Examination, The Commentated and Collated Editions, Achievements


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.


After several rounds of arduous work on the commentary and collation of the New Songs from the Jade Terrace, Ji Yun (1724-1805) finalized his work entitled Critical Examination of the New Songs from the Jade Terrace. In this project he resolved some critical problems and thus accomplished great significance in the field. As a leader in academia, Ji set up a model for emulation of his devotion to the study of literary anthologies and his methodology in textual collation and examination, which gave direct rise to the formation of the scholarship of the Qianlong and Jiaqing reign-periods (1736-1820). However, Ji’s scholarship has yet to be seriously studied. The present essay examines the history of Ji’s study of the New Songs from the Jade Terrace in two respects. First, it systematically introduces all the commentated and collated editions produced by Ji. Second, it accounts for the reason Ji attributed his Critical Examination of the New Songs from the Jade Terrace to his father Ji Rongshu. The author of the present essay renders full credit for the achievements of Ji’s book.



How to Cite

傅 剛. (2008). 略論紀昀的《玉臺新詠》研究: Brief Discussion of Ji Yun’s Study of the New Songs from the Jade Terrace. 人文中國學報, 14, 201–219. https://doi.org/10.24112/sinohumanitas.142506


