
Du Fu's Shishi (詩史) and ChunQiu Shufa (春秋書法): the Annotation of Shihua (詩話) and Biji (筆記) in the Song Dynasty As the Core


  • 張高評 (CHANG Kao Ping) 成功大學中文系




杜甫, 詩史, 《春秋》書法, 詩話筆記, 敘事歌行, Du Fu, Shishi, ChunQiu Shufa, ShiBi, XuShiGexing


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.


Meng Qi’s Ben Shi Shi (本事詩) began to praise Du Fu’s poetry as “Shishi” (詩史) in late Tang. Meng praised highly for Du Fu’s narrative poems during An Shi Rebellion (安史之亂), and affirmed it’s “represent the obvious to the concealed” and Chun Qiu Shufa (《春秋》書法). He was indeed a transcendent insight and the expert of Du’s poetry. Du Fu “Ji Yuan Jie Dangyang text” (《祭遠祖當陽君文》) commend his ancestor Du Yu: “Chun Qiu is mainly for explanation, Personally writing draft”, sighed “Wuhu handwriting, who owns it?" In the text, Du Fu encouraged and alerted himself as "Not forgetting his roots, not disobeying illegally” for poetries. Chun Qiu Shufa of “Represent the obvious to the concealed” like the Song Dynasty poetics called “Shishi”, Du Fu's XuShiGexing (敍事歌行) almost showed Specifically such as implicit declare obscurely, traightforwarded recording according to events, praised good belittled evil, Said and written indirectly etc. This paper inspects Du Fu’s ‘‘Shishi”, detailed others neglected, varied different from the same. Chun Qiu Shufa of Du Fu's XuShiGexing inspected 60 of Song Dynasty Shihua (詩話) and Biji (筆記), expositions of 6 of the Ming and Qing Dynasties Shihua. To learn northern and southern Song the theory of Gong Yang study (《公羊》學) and ZuoZhuan study (《左傳》學), linking the morality, historiography and literature, discussed the integration of subjects for a study. To analog Bai Juyi (白居易), Yuan Zhen (元稹), Han Yu (韓愈), Li Shangyin (李商隱) s’ various poems about Yang Guifei (楊貴妃), Ma WeiPo (馬嵬坡), understood Chun Qiu Shufa reflected poems.



How to Cite

張 高. (2010). 杜甫詩史與《春秋》書法——以宋代詩話筆記之詮釋爲核心: Du Fu’s Shishi (詩史) and ChunQiu Shufa (春秋書法): the Annotation of Shihua (詩話) and Biji (筆記) in the Song Dynasty As the Core. 人文中國學報, 16, 55–96. https://doi.org/10.24112/sinohumanitas.162522


