The Comparison of Emotional Intelligence in College Students Participating in Different Levels of Exercise



  • Gladys Shuk Fong LI (李淑芳) National Chung Cheng University, TAIWAN (台灣國立中正大學)
  • Hsiu Hua WANG (王秀華) National Chung Cheng University, TAIWAN (台灣國立中正大學)
  • Chang Ning LIAO (廖昶甯) National Chung Cheng University, TAIWAN (台灣國立中正大學)



Exercise Participation, emotional Intelligence, physical education class, 體育課, EQ


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.

Emotions are an integral and significant aspect of human nature and the motivation for behavior. Regular Exercise participation substantially help individual to maintain and increase positive mood. Purposes: to compare the differences of EQ in the following variables: different level of exercise participation, PE class and non-PE class. Methods: BarOn EQ-I measured the EQ of 326 college students, the data was analyzed by Independent group t ratio, Independent Group ANOVA, and Independent Group MANOVA, using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 10.0. Results: The major findings were as follows: 1) College students participated in higher levels of exercise was significantly (p< .05) higher than lower levels exercisers in total EQ score, the five composite scores, and the 15 EQ subscale scores; and 2) Students attending physical education class was significantly (p< .05) higher than the non physical education students in the scores of 'intrapersonal skill', 'interpersonal skill’, 'adaptability’,’stress management’, and 'general mood’. Conclusion: From the above findings, the more the exercise and the physical education participation, the higher the EQ in the college students was ascertained. The importance of increasing exercise participation and physical education should be reinforced and implemented in the college level. Furthermore, the mind-body linkage has been proved through this research.

情緒智力(Emotional Intelligence, El)是察覺,整合,瞭解,及管理情緖之智力;也是関於瞭解自己及別人,與別人建立關係,適應及因應週遭環境,更能成功的應付環境需求的自覺能力。透過從事規律運動所帶來的正面回饋,個人之正向情緒感受會大為提昇。目的:旨在探討不同運動參與程度與體育課參與情況,對大學生情緒智力表現是否有差異。方法:使用BarOn EQi測量326名大學生之情緒智力,統計方法分別採用獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數與多因子變異數等加以分析。結果:一、運動參與程度較高之大學生在情緒智商(Emotional Quotient, EQ)總分、五個量表、及15項EQ因子之分數皆顯著(p< .05)高於運動參與程度較低之大學生。二、參與體育課程之大學生在EQ總分、五個EQ分量表之得分,皆顯著 (p< .05)高於無參與體育課程之大學生。結論:大學生運動參與時間愈多,比運動參與時間較少之大學生有更高的EQ;再者,參與體育課程比沒有參與體育課程之大學生有較高的EQ,因此本研究中顯示出運動參與及體育課對大學生之重要性,更進而強化身心一元之理論。


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How to Cite

LI, G. S. F., WANG, H. H., & LIAO, C. N. (2009). The Comparison of Emotional Intelligence in College Students Participating in Different Levels of Exercise: 不同運動參與程度大學生之情緒智力之探討. Asian Journal of Physical Education &Amp; Recreation, 15(1), 48–55.


