
Reflection on Current Strategy for Drug Use and AIDS/HIV Prevention


  • 李建華 (Jian-Hua LI) 中國雲南省藥物依賴防治研究所 (Institute of Drug Addiction, CHINA)




藥物濫用, 艾滋病, 預防策略, 倫理道德


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.


The prospect of drug use and HIV epidemic cannot be optimist in China. More and more people, mainly young men or women use drug and are infected with HIV, while the effective intervention is short. The preventive measures usually are aimed at the target of the general public, but cannot meet the demand of diverse social groups.

Traditional ideology in China is that individual should be subordinated to community, community to the society at large, and marginalized group to mainstream group. It follows from th.is ideology that preventive method is stereotyped with same pattern to everyone and cannot meet various demands of various target groups.

In China drug use is traditionally deemed as a sin or crime to her/his family, country and nation, and should be severely punished. But this attitude toward drug users is unfair. Drug use itself does not offend China's criminal Jaw, and does not do harm to others, society and country. There is no legal basis to treat drug users as criminals, and put them into addiction release rehabilitation farms that are built with the money of taxpayers. This practice is useless to control drug use and spread of HTV infection. The moral judgment of drug use as moral deterioration also caused negative impact on the control of drug use and HIV prevention.

The change of a fixed behaviour is very difficult, but substituting a behaviour with another is easier than prohibiting it. It has been shown by the success of programmes providing methadone, clean needles or/and syringes, disinfected water etc. However, all of these programmes are difficult to be introduced and implemented in China, because one concept has to be built, i.e. a drug user is a patient, but not a criminal.

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How to Cite

LI, J.-H. (1998). 對當前藥物濫用和艾滋病預防策略的反思: Reflection on Current Strategy for Drug Use and AIDS/HIV Prevention. International Journal of Chinese &Amp; Comparative Philosophy of Medicine, 1(4), 83–97. https://doi.org/10.24112/ijccpm.11350


