Submission Policies



  1. 投稿一般請勿超過一萬字,並必須提供電子稿。
  2. 文章應包括一則300字以內的摘要和3-5個關鍵詞,一併置於文章開頭。
  3. 請單獨附一標題頁,其中標明標題、字數、作者、姓名、學位、職稱、通訊地址、電話、傳真、電郵。
  4. 所有引用文獻均須注明出處;如有注釋,請用腳注。
  5. 參考文獻應與注釋分開列出,置於文章最後。所有參考文獻均須詳細標明作者、標題(書名或雜誌名)、卷、期、年月、出版社、頁碼等。如為譯著,須標出譯者。
  6. 文章格式請參考本刊已發表的文章。
  7. 文章一經發表,版權歸出版社所有。
  8. 來稿請電郵至

Information for Authors

Article submission of original work is welcomed. All accepted articles will be peer reviewed and revised for publication. For article submission, please take notes of the following guidelines:

  1. All articles should be submitted in MS Word format with no more than 10,000 words.
  2. Please include in the first page with Chinese and English abstracts of no more than 300 words, together with 3-5 keywords respectively.
  3. Please attach a cover page with information of article title, number of words, author name, academic degree, affiliation, corresponding address, telephone, fax and email.
  4. All references should be cited with in-text citations; please use footnotes for annotations.
  5. A reference list should be included at the end of the article separated from footnotes. All references should include author name, title, volume, no. of issue, date, publisher, pages, etc in both Chinese and English.
  6. The article should follow the formats of the previously published articles.
  7. The publisher reserves all copyright of all published articles.
  8. Please submit the article to