
Research on the Ethics of the "Purple River Vehicle"


  • 王京躍 (Jingyue WANG) 中國華南師範大學 (South China Normal University, CHINA)




人胎盤, 紫河車, 文化現象, “紫河車”倫理體系


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.

“紫河車”已超越了中醫藥材的一般意義,成為一種賦予了倫理內涵的文化現象,代表了中國特有的服用人胎盤的傳統習俗和道德觀念,並對現會社會於人胎盤利用產生正反兩方面的深刻影響。本文從生命倫理學的角度,反思“紫河車” 文化的傳統觀念和社會現象,研究和探討現代“紫河車”文化的道德向度和倫理體系。一、人胎盤為何物的現代道德訴求與“紫河車”文化之異同﹔二、醫用人胎盤必須遵循“知情同意”的倫理原則, 謹慎施行有償捐贈,填補“紫河車”文化的空白﹔ 三、醫學利用人胎盤遵循具有時代性的倫理道德原則,發揚並超越“紫河車”文化精神﹔四、反思“紫河車”文化現象的社會時弊,從規範倫理、自德倫理和制度倫理等方面,建構現代“紫河車”倫理。

The "Purple River Vehicle" (Human Placenta) has transcended a general meaning of the Chinese medicine and it is in line with the Chinese traditional conventions and morality. This phenomenon has deep ethical and cultural meaning. However, there is debate today regarding its use. This paper will look into the problem from a bioethics perspective: 1. What does the placenta mean according to today’s morality, and how does this differ from its meaning as the "Purple River Vehicle" in the culture; 2. Using the placenta in the medical sciences should go by an ethical principle of "Informed Consent", and the placenta donation should be implemented carefully; 3. Using the placenta in the medical sciences should follow a principle of the current ethical morality, and honor the cultural spirit of the "Purple River Vehicle"; 4. The phenomenon of the "Purple River Vehicle" creates problem of great moral importance to society so there is a need of developing a modem ethics of the "Purple River Vehicle", from precept, virtue and regime ethics.

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How to Cite

WANG, J. (2007). “紫河車”倫理研究: Research on the Ethics of the "Purple River Vehicle". International Journal of Chinese &Amp; Comparative Philosophy of Medicine, 5(1), 55–72. https://doi.org/10.24112/ijccpm.51437


