Organ Donation from a Buddhist Perspective
器官移植, 器官捐獻, 佛教, 菩薩道Abstract
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.
With the rapid development of medicinal technology, organ transplantation and donation have become an important issue in contemporary bioethics. On the one hand, organ transplantation is an effective means to saving lifes which has benefited from the incredible progress of medical science in the past few decades. On the other hand, organ donation involves profound ethical dimensions and ambiguities. This paper attempts to examine the issue of organ donation from a Buddhist viewpoint. Through textual exegeses and the explication of some key Buddhist ideas, such as the Bodhisattva’s great compassion and doctrine of inter-dependent origination, it seems that organ donation is accepted by Buddhism. Nevertheless, whether to donate or not is entirely a personal choice, and a dead body should be handled with special care. The conclusion states that organ donation is an act of giving/charity (dāna) to those who need relief from their suffering and thus is seen as a great virtue through which we can create a world of co-existence.
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