
Abortion: Daoist Viewpoints


  • 權麟春 (Linchun QUAN) 中國華南師範大學增城學院 (Zengcheng College of South China Normal University, CHINA)




道家, 道教, 墮胎, 啟示


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.


Daoism, one of China’s major philosophical and religioustraditions, emphasizes such notions as holism, organicism, andnaturalness, promoting the idea of living in line with the rulesand patterns of nature. This essay examines the Daoist ethics ofliving naturally with special attention given to abortion. It pointsout that for philosophical Daoism, abortion is not acceptablebecause it is considered an “artificial” action for a self-servingpurpose, such as aborting an unwanted baby girl after a sex teston a fetus. For religious Daoism, abortion is not acceptable because the fetus has a spirit and a soul. Both traditions maintain the importance of the sacredness of all life. Yet the language of rights and choices is absent in Daoism, and the aim of the essay is to present the basic teaching of Daoism and show that it is relevant to contemporary bioethical issues. With the increasing use of modern medical technology that makes the control or manipulation of the human body much easier, it is utterly important for humanity to think about the nature of human beings and the relationship between itself and the natural world. The essay also contends that Daoism offers a perspective to reflect on the one-child policy in China that has been practiced in the past few decades.

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How to Cite

QUAN, L. (2012). 墮胎——道家和道教的觀點: Abortion: Daoist Viewpoints. International Journal of Chinese &Amp; Comparative Philosophy of Medicine, 10(2), 133–147. https://doi.org/10.24112/ijccpm.101524


