
A Philosophical Reconstruction of Modern Models of Medicine Based on Body Ethics


  • 劉俊榮 (Junrong LIU) 中國廣州醫科大學 (Guangzhou Medical University, CHINA)




LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract in English only.

Sun Muyi’s article provides illuminating views and arguments regarding the proper model of medicine. From Sun’s perspective, the bio-psycho-social model of medicine retains traces of body-mind dualism. It differs from Michel Foucault’s view of the body, which is one of phenomenological holism. That view, as Sun sees it, constitutes a comprehensive philosophical reflection on the modern bio-psycho-social medical model, providing an objective understanding of the unity of body and mind. Sun argues that a religious dimension is inevitably embedded in this objective understanding when establishing a body ethics model of contemporary medicine. This commentary agrees that Sun’s view provides useful reflections on the construction of a proper model of medicine. It is right that we should go beyond the bio-psycho-social medical model to pay more attention to the sick individual him or herself and to strengthen doctor-patient communication regarding the body and human dignity. However, it is also contended that the body ethics model of medicine should constitute a criticism of religious medical models and resist any religious zeal being applied to the study of medical ethics.

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How to Cite

LIU, J. (2015). 身體倫理視域下現代醫學模式的哲學反思與重構——對孫慕義先生〈身體〉一文的呼應與商榷: A Philosophical Reconstruction of Modern Models of Medicine Based on Body Ethics. International Journal of Chinese &Amp; Comparative Philosophy of Medicine, 13(2), 35–40. https://doi.org/10.24112/ijccpm.131589


