A Question to the Daoist Approach against Liberal Eugenics
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract in English only.
In the debate over liberal eugenics, scholars such as Nicholas Agar argue that liberal eugenics can benefit the world in different ways; it is helpful, for example, in preventing genetic diseases. Nevertheless, scholars such as Jurgen Habermas are against liberal eugenics because they consider liberal eugenics to be too artificial and to erase the distinction between the human and the manufactured. David Chai argues further that Daoism, especially Zhaungzi’s views, can contribute to Habermas’s argument by offering an ontological base. In this paper, I raise the question of whether such a Daoist approach is too strong and may reach a conclusion that most people cannot accept. Although this does not mean that the Daoist approach must be mistaken, it is at least a legitimate question that Daoists should answer.
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