
Looking Ahead: Relationships between AI Doctors and Patients


  • 馬永慧 (Yonghui MA) 中國廈門大學 (Xiamen University, CHINA)




LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract in English only.

The last few years have witnessed huge growth in the capabilities and applications of AI. The applications of AI in medical and clinical settings are also expanding at an unprecedented rate. AI is expected to help solve many medical and diagnostic problems and support well-being and health; however, concerns are also growing about the potential for AI doctors to undermine the traditional doctor–patient relationship. The article by Guobin Chen et al. provides a systematic analysis of this issue, to which the current paper is a response. The target article has two main parts. First, it seeks to determine whether the "significance" and "meaning" of the doctor–patient relationship will be eroded, or even eliminated, by AI technologies. Second, it discusses the difference between the Western emphasis on autonomous agents and the Chinese "Dao of completing and perfecting oneself" (cheng-ren zhi dao), and points out that it is very important to recognize this distinction when providing an alternative Chinese approach to the relationship between the AI doctor and patient.

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How to Cite

MA, Y. (2019). 危言聳聽還是未雨綢繆?——談AI醫生與患者關係: Looking Ahead: Relationships between AI Doctors and Patients. International Journal of Chinese &Amp; Comparative Philosophy of Medicine, 17(2), 73–77. https://doi.org/10.24112/ijccpm.171677


